Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fresh Powder and Fresher Inspiration

Today, on a rare day off, I stumbled upon something I'd heard about for a while now.  Something that I had been encouraged to take a look at and follow and keep up to date with.  I don't know why it took me so long to find it and I can't believe how great it is but my Sister's Blog (www.stephericmaughan.blogspot.
comis hilarious and so her!  I spent two hours sifting through posts and articles and I loved every bit of it.  Maybe it's because her and I haven't been as close this last year but I just couldn't get enough of what was going on in her and LB's (I'm still confused on the nickname) life.  

So today I'm taking the fun I got from Steph's blog and turning it into inspiration!  I'm starting my own blog to chronicle my life as a guy, scratch that a boy, living in a grown up world and trying to balance the desire to just play, with my drive to be "successful." I live in Vail, and as I've stated to multiple people multiple times I live on vacation!  Problem is that I'm not on vacation and work often impedes on powder days. 

With the promise of fresh snow tomorrow and the day after, and the day after that, and after that, I'm going to buy a camera today (lost the last one in the move from Estes) to document what this place is like when the "Pow-Pow" flies and the "Bro Brahs" run rampant.  Billionaires, Celebrities, and Pot Heads all share chair lifts and usually a beer or two after the day.

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